Sunday, June 28, 2015

Rabbit: Protector of Cords


What an "apt" poem. Haha, but don't be misguided. My Mum didn't make the whole thing, we made it together, Mother-Daughter bonding. :) And it comes with a super duper cute rabbit cord clip.
Have been spoiling my cords too many times, finally bought another Apple wire at Challenger. Got sick of the cheapo wires sold at boxes cos my macbook kept recognising them after a while and rejecting them. And it leave me frustrated cos I can't transfer photos. And transferring photo is my biggest interest! (What a boring person!!!)
And since we are at this topic, Challenger sells the original USB cable the cheapest (S$28). After calculating, it is definitely more worth it to buy it than the counterfeit charging wires. Guess if you are a huge Apple fan, you just got to make the necessary payments :(
The BF was initially worried that the cord protectors would cause the cord to be too hot. They are "hot" as in a lot more fancy. I don't find them burning up my wire. You could totally mix and match the different colours and create many designs. I opted for the alternate. But if you bought many colours. You could totally do a rainbow or just get the rainbow cord. The rainbow is gorgeous.  
Balmeo Store
If you want to get what I got, you could get them at Balmeo Store at Level 2 AMK Hub or just order online. The selection of cord clips is plain awesome. Loving the range of Melody and Hello Kitty cord clips. Apart from that, they also have other cool items. Not talking about them yet...What's life without some suspense.
And of course, proof that I did contribute to the design. Clumsy compared to my Mum. :P Starting and ending with a video, tips for a good essay - To end off with the same style/theme as you start. Pretty sure the teachers don't mean medium. :P 

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