Monday, December 9, 2019

Going Vegan with Try and Review

It has been a long while since I last reviewed products from Try and Review. This box was particularly exciting because it had 3 samples (more than the usual) and it was totally vegan. I have always wanted to try out the vegan lifestyle given that two of my friends had gone vegan. 

Apart from being an environementnal do-gooder, there seems to be quite a bit of health benefits from the vegan diets. My friends that had went down that path seems a lot happier and healthier. The thing is I really love my meat. I don't think to go full-fledged but I would be more than willing to try to hit the halfway mark. :D

1. Raw Focus +

The first sample we had in the box was a packet of superfood blend that contains naturally occuring caffine, antioxidants with additional superfood for a brain boost. This concoction apparently helps to fight fatigue and increase your level of focus. I was very excited to try this, simply because I love sweet matcha! But I have to be honest, this sachet isn't much of my thing. 

True to its name, it tasted very raw and a little bitter. Each sip did perk me up cos I had to make effort to force it through my gullet. But it is good stuff because I cleared my bowels after a cup of it. I don't think I can continue on this box after I am done with the samples though -_-"'

2. Alche{me}

If you buy this product off their shelf, you will get a personalised serum. Mine wasn't personalised but the product was very light on my skin and did cause any break-outs. One very intereting ingredient in the serum is the Ginseng extract. The scent is quite overpowering when you squirt it out but the distinctive smell will soon diffuse away as you spread it over your face. (So fear not, if you do not like the smell of Ginseng.)

Apart from Ginseng, other products include Babchi seeds extract, high penetration Vit C, Wu Zhu Fruit Extract, Moringa seed extract etc. I really like how natural this product is and how it does not leave any sticky residue. I do forsee myself using it again, this time after the skin assessment :D

3. Norilicious Seaweed Snack 

I saved the best for last. This snack is so yummy I finised it at one shot. Vegan never tasted so good. Generally, most snacks don't add in sesame. This snack is really strong on that. If you are sesame lover, I am sure you are enjoying this delightful snack. And good news too if you are weight-conscious, the packet is also quite calories-light. Guilt-free chomps!

Overall, I would recommend this box for individuals who wants to try to go Vegan. If you are already a vegan, I think you would go wild over this box of goodies. You can get them at Try and Review or sample other exciting products. :D Can't wait to sample more stuff already!

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