Monday, October 28, 2024

DBS Spark Personality Test

As you can tell by now, I am hooked on personality test. The personality test by Spark DBS popped up on my IG and I clicked it almost at once. To be honest, this is probably the worse in terms of its accuracy - I am definitely not a timekeeper. My freinds were all sneering and mocking at me for the results. 

I am always late for almost everything. Most would call me a teleporter who does not set aside time for transport. Apart from that, I thought the storyline was considerably engaging and still interesting enough to complete. Plus, the visuals are very pretty. I don't think it will take off like the rest, but it is still fun to give a go. 

Friday, October 25, 2024

CALI: One Night Only Special International Buffet Dinner

My Pop and I went a for a One Night Only Special International Buffet Dinner at CALI. I have been to the other restaurants of CALI before and I have always found them to provide great food and service at affordable price. The Buffet Dinner that night cost only S$38++ per pax and included free flow of alcoholic drinks. No wonder the place was packed! 

It was my first time at this outlet and I love their mini touches of the famous musicians. My Pop couldn't stop taking photos. The food was awesome (as usual) and felt more Indian than International. I am not complaining because most of the selection was something I have not tasted at other places. We had some "hot favourites" (no pun intended) and took double servings for those. 

As this was an one-day event, there was a lot going on. Internationally-acclaims and award-winning culinary masters were within the room tasting and giving critiques to our local flavours. At the other side of the room, there was a 2-men band serenading the rest of the guests. The ambience was pretty good with a nice mix of boisterous festivity yet enough quiet spots for us to have private conversations. It is not everyday my Pop and I have time to ourselves and only us 2. 

I would love to recommend all of you to join, but sadly this is only a one day thing. But you can still enjoy the "Culinary World Tour" menu from 11am onwards at CALI @Novotel Singapore. Separately, there is also a super value-for-money promotion that will be running at all CALI outlets!

From now till 15 January 2025, CALI is offering a "Complete Meal" offer. All 4 CALI outlets. With every main course ordered from the a la carte menu, you will receive a complimentary soup, dessert, and a glass of sparkling wine . No prior reservation is required, though there is a secret code for this one, just tell a staff to "Complete my Meal" :D

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Oktoberfest at Edge - Tastes of Germany

To many of our readers, I am sure you guys know how much we love the Buffet at Edge. We love that they always serve the all-time favourites and have seasonal add-ons which give a fresh new take on things. This time round in view of the Oktoberfest, Edge offered guests the "Taste of Germany".

They say food taste best when shared and we can't agree more. So, I asked the kids if they wanted to show their grands around this time round. And my son took up the challenge. He assured me he knew the place very well and would make sure my parents enjoyed themselves. Also, I thought it would be a great bonding session for them.  

The place transformed into a gorgeous blue and gold, which I thought really brought out the Ocktoberfest vibes. The German favourites were all in full glory - Sausages, Pork Knuckles and Pretzels. And not to forget the beer (which is not included in the price). Not to boast how much I know the family, I knew they would go wild about the cooked oysters! (You can read my comments here if you missed it previously, haha.)

The kids basically knew what they liked so it made my parents' life very easy. They peacefully ate their pizzas, steamed fish and pasta. This time round, they also got to try Spezi - a popular German soft drink with cola and orange soda and enjoyed the variety of sausages. We haven't been too courageous when it comes to travelling but I am glad we kinda brought Germany to them :D

My parents only have good things to say about Edge and they actually can't stop talking about it. I read somewhere that relationship grows stronger because of shared experiences and I can kinda of see how true that statement it. My parents would share with me stories of how the kids know precisely where the ice-cream were and that yes I was right, the lobsters were absolutely yummy!

If you have any family/ corporate functions, I would suggest Edge because it provides a really good variety of premium quality. If you have younger kids, then the brunch would be more ideal because of the play area. We are nearing the tail-end, but if you want to try out the "Tastes of Germany”, it is until 26 October 2024. It is priced at is priced at $128 per adult and $64 per child (6 – 12 years

Friday, October 18, 2024

Pasir Ris Mall - Wan To Play

We are not entirely unfamiliar with Wan To Play indoor playgrounds. Guess what, we committed to a pass. For those who were not with them from the start, they used to have a cheaper rate for weekdays, but guess what they scraped it. So if you were playing on a weekday, it is so not worth it! We ended up signing up for a pass because after doing some maths, it seems to be more worth it. 

And it was a great choice because they are great businessman. Apart from giving the kids a goodie bag to bring back (which pleased them greatly), we were allowed to bring an additional adult. So my mother got to experience her first indoor playground, which she concluded was great fun! 

The children spent only an hour, but it was jam-packed. It has the usual delights - kinetic sand, ball pits and slides, dress-up as well as masak masak stations. One of the main difference was that this playground at Pasir Ris Mall had the inflatable giant bubble. The giant husband and I had a go bumping each other in it. It was surprisingly fun as we bounced around and struggled to get up. We only saw one, but it would have been great if there were 2. 

For those who are not familiar with indoor playgrounds, most of the slides etc. can support the weight of adults. My mother had a go and it was quite a heart-warming sight to the children show their grandmother "how to play". Now that the kids were older, I managed to get a bit of me-time to myself exerting eye power, after going one round at every play thing. 

Although this is a familiar model, the children had tons of fun and with the package, you can also book parties at a much discounted price. Because of the packages, we have decided to make Wan to Play as our default indoor playground since they have quite a few outlets which we foresee ourselves to go in the future. 

Hope this review works! After our experience here, I am starting to understand why parents would buy a annual pass/ bulk entrances of an indoor playground!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Toy Story: Lego Mini Steamboat Willie

If you have followed me long enough, you will know how much I love my Legos. I was searching around for a gift and I ended up buying this for myself. Like WTH right? But as you can see from my obsessive photographs, I was so blown away by this because its cute little intricate details. Also, it is my first black-white lego. 

I took really long to get myself this because I was worried that the white would yellow. So long that official Lego was no longer selling and I had to get them from a reputable secondary seller. But when there was a sale, I thought it is time to pamper myself a bit. I anticipated myself not having time to build it, but my kids wouldn't leave it alone. I ended up building it with the toddlers. 

I have never imagined that to be possible, but it sure was. We managed to complete the whole set by 2 hours. Among my Lego, this one was pretty special because it has gears. I thought it was very innovative how they split the different sides (by colours).  I definitely had good fun building it and was amazed by how each part interacts. My smartest piece to date and I am immensely proud of it. 

Advice to all Lego lovers out there, make your decision fast. I feel sometimes I hesitate and it gets sold out and I have to buy from the secondary market. You can never be 100% sure of its authenticity when you buy from a secondary market and it took me quite a bit of research before I found this seller. Hope my sharing helps :D

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Gallop Stable - Pasir Ris Park

Call me suaku (Mountain Tortise), but I really didn't know that Singapore had horse-riding facilities. Sometimes, I find ourselves silly. We would go overseas to do things that we could do right on our every doorstep. I was really pleased when the husband found the Gallop Stable because this meant we could actually learn horse riding too. 

For the toddlers, as long as you are 3 years old and above, you can go for a horse joy-ride. Each ride is S$10 and involves a short stroll around the area. I thought it was pretty reasonably priced. For our older child, this was his first ride on the horse and you could see he was visibly nervous. He described the ride as "comfy and slow" and couldn't stop telling us about it. 

For our younger child, we opted the horse feeding which we ended up doing 2 sessions of 2 packets. Each food packet cost $5 each, but I guess I wanted to do a bit of feeding myself, LOL! It was not their first feeding experience, but the first with a horse so they were pretty excited. There was only one old (and greedy) horse around which would cajole the children to feed him more. 

Apart from horses, there were rabbit and wild chickens. Lots of them in fact, the kids had fun chasing after them.  The overall experience took about half an hour. The Gallop Stable offered stable visits but we thought the kids might be too young to appreciate it at this point so we decided to explore the rest of Paris Ris Park which was more rustic and had abit of mozzies. (Check out the Bird Watching Tower if you are there.) Definitely worth a trip there if your kids are into animals. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Food Tour 50: More Yummy Food

Some of the yummy food we had over this period that is worth having a huge shout-out. Side note, some of these places might have been mentioned before in previous Food Tour post. But since they had an updated menu, I thought it was worth, re-sharing lest you guys are interested. 

This is not the first time I am raving about it. You can read about my other reviews here. The thing about me is that because of its name...I have never ventured beyond the Mapo Tofu. (There is a reason why it is named like this right?) But I have heard how good their other food were, so this time I finally gave their seasonal specials a try. And you know what, it was truly good. Yumz! Till now, this chain outlets is one of my favourite. Love it!

If you are a fan of durians, you would really need to drop this place a visit. Generally, I am no fan of durian by-products. But this one actually hit my standards. There is always a long queue. Go to the place too late, and the mousse is sold out. You must try the following while you are there: Stinky Bowl, Stinky Bomb, Stinky Roll, and Stinky Chendol. To be quite fair, I have only tried this 4 and I am recommending these 4. You know how much I really love this already. Hahaha! Not all can be taken away, so it is really worth making a trip there!

I think Miam Miam has up its game for sure. I went there once before with some friends and honestly it didn't struck me as anything memorable. But this time round, I went back with my kid and I thought wow the food was really good. We had the breakfast set by the way. Their fluffy pancakes were awesome. Just posting about this is making me drool all over again. Maybe I should give their mains a try too, but now all I want is their breakfast set. Yumz! 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Corporate Jungle Personality Test

Here's another personality test for those who is obsessed. Although the visuals are amazing, but it lacks humour and relatability. Felt like I was going through the motion more than anything. Not the most fun to be honest. But guess we can never expect too much from public service campaigns. So PC! Hahaha