Tuesday, April 23, 2024

New indoor playground - Yooland

This feels so Aunty, but now I groupbuy quite a bit of the kids' needs. Well, mainly because it is cheaper. So apparently, even tickets to indoor playgrounds can be groupbuy now. LOL! Yooland recently opened in Westgate and my friendly neighborhood gb host was coordinating orders. They were selling at $28 for 2 hours and could be used even for weekends/ public holidays. It was quite affordable. 

Personally, I don't really know if they could survive because a much cheaper and wholesome option - KidsSTOP (you can read more about my reviews here) was just across 2 roads and there is a free playground within the shopping mall. But it definitely provided the kids with an alternative option and it sure looked fun and very clean (maybe because it was new). Let's just enjoy while it is there. 

Yooland's theme is futuristic and there were a lot of strobe lights elements incorporated in its play area. It does make the photos look a lot better. The area is quite big and incorporate some of the usual elements which the kids love such as kitchen pretend-play, hinoki sand pit (one of the more interactive ones) and dress up areas. Some of the more special items include the bouncing inflatables, lighted lego, giant hamster wheel and mobile vehicles. 

It was a lot of fun for the kids and the adults. Half of our time was spent during the peak and another half was during the lull period. I have to admit during the peak, I nearly went deaf at the hinoki pit. I don't think the kids fully split their time to the different stations. During the peak, they just went to whichever areas which was less crowded. 

Overall, the kids had a lot of good fun. They didn't entirely fully rotate through every station during the 2 hours slots. Guess that means...round 2? Haha. And yes, I took a lot of nice photos :)

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