Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What Vegetable are you?

This is one really fun personality test that shouldn't be missed. It seems like I have been posting one personality test a month. Personally, I love personality test that has interesting story lines, good visuals and relatable results. This one suits them all. You know this quiz is big if it has a feature on our news. Go take it, it doesn't take long :P Link is here! And erm... remember to eat your veggies LOL

Friday, July 26, 2024

Missing Local Delights: Flavours of the Lion City

If you have been away home for long or is a tourist who just wants to go one spot to enjoy all the local delights, Edge's Flavours of the Lion City. Like many other tourists, I always had the conception that there is no one place for all when it comes to good local food. But this buffet that prove me wrong. Any iconic local food could be found here and they were of very good standards

I was extremely pleased to find my childhood favourite - ice cream in rainbow bread. Things that were really good include the satay (cooked over charcoal), Deep-fried Durian, Banana & Chempedak Ball, and Kopi O Cake. The Teh-Tarik was also really good. 

Our all-time favourites - such as the lobster and oysters were still being served. We went on a weekday, but the place was packed! I think it is a perfect hosting place if you had overseas clients/ colleagues/ relatives coming over. Do book ahead if you are planning to head down cos I doubt there will be walk-ins available. 

The children as usual were having a wonderful time. By now, they are already quite familiar with Edge and also the food they serve. They know their favourites - pizza, steamed fish and the customisable pasta. The kids really enjoy "making" their own pasta. The ice cream and chocolate fondue is also another place which they remember fondly. Note: The steamed fish is my favourite food to serve them because it is healthy and delicious. 

One of the more interesting food I noticed this round was the steamed oyster. I am not sure about you guys but some of the old folks in our household are really against raw seafood. Dishes like this are great options because it widens the selection of premium seafood they can enjoy and "make the money work better". Psss...Singaporean citizens born in the year 1965 a special price of $88++ per person.

The "Flavours of the Lion City: A Culinary Expedition Through Singapore" at Edge is only available for dinner from 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm from 9 July until 8 August 2024. Prices include complimentary coffee, tea, teh tarik, iced limau, and soya chin chow.

Thurs to Sat
  • Adult: $108++
  • Child (6-12 years old): $54 per child
Sun to Wed
  • Adult: $92++
  • Child (6-12 years old): $46 per child
Only on National Day (9 Aug), will be available for both lunch (12pm to 3pm) and dinner
  • Adult: $128++
  • Child (6-12 years old): $64 per child

Friday, July 12, 2024

Adidas Active Skin & Mind shower gel

Adidas recently launched its Active Skin & Mind shower gel range, which aims to rejuvenate the body and mind to achieve peak athletic performance. The media box was really cute, shaped like a locker. As part of the media drops, we received the calming Pre Sleep with lavender and chamomile and the methanol-spiked Cooldown. 

The guys in the house preferred the methanol-spiked Cooldown for its minty, refreshing feeling that makes you squeaky clean after using it. It also provides relief for the tired muscles. Personally, I prefer the Pre Sleep because it smells really relaxing and helps to soothe me down for a good rest after an active day. I use it even on days I am not engaged in sports. It helps that the shower gel also aids overnight muscle recovery. 

The range comes in 6, apart from the 2 we received, there is also the Adidas Active Energy Kick Shower Gel, Adidas Active Deep Care Shower Gel, Adidas Active Skin Detox Shower Gel, Adidas Active Energy Kick Shower Gel Men. Currently, it is only available at Guardian. The usual price is $14.05, but currently there is a 15% discount. 

To make the deal sweeter, Adidas is offering an exciting promotion in partnership with all Guardian stores island wide. Customers who purchase two or more shower gels stand a chance to win a 3D2N Bali Retreat featuring fitness activities and wellness activities to unwind. Shiok! You just need to submit your receipt here! A great time to stock up your supplies!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Food Tour 47 - Don't waste your calories on this

 I thought there is merit in giving negative reviews as well cos well, not all food I've ate so far are good. And some really kinda of made me fume. I don't really want others to experience the same. 

This is one of the most disappointing food I ate. I never thought the service of a place matters, but this fell way below expectation. I initially thought the place attracted a decent lunch crowd for its lunch set. But later realised, it is how they sit the customers. They would always make sure we fill the outside seating first. The lunch set came with an unappetizing soup and refillable drink. The drink was never refilled because there was only 1 service staff who was managing everything. 

The waiting time was also unbearably long. I spent 20 mins mindlessly gaming and finally got fed up and told the service staff perhaps he can serve me the drink and soup first. He took 5 mins to respond. The mains came around 15 mins later. That's 40 mins of my lunch gone waiting and...the meal cost almost $$20. Eye roll in disgust. 

I am quite a softie when it comes to social projects and giving beneficiaries a source of livelihood. But it is a whole different thing when there is a lack of effort in the food. First of all, the aesthetics of the place is gorgeous. We went there cos we were going to be in the area. The coffee seems diluted and toasted bread did not feel firm. It was that sort of place we knew we wouldn't be back the second time

The better food was the acai bowl and the cold brew. Just to be sure that I wasn't biased, I also check in with a few friends/ relatives who patronised them before. Most asked me why I even bothered going, guess I am not alone. 

If you are a fan of JJ Lin, then this is a must-go for you. won't see him there. Haha. When it first open, there was a long queue, I guess it was just the fan power. By now, there is barely any queue and mainly Chinese tourist posting online about their idol's shop. It is still quite difficult to grab a seat. I gave their drink a try and it was quite Starbuck-ish. Decent, but not worth going all the way there for. (Agreed by a fellow friend who was there with me. ) FYI, we like JJ Lin's songs too, but not hardcore fans.