Yeah, I guess this year X'mas just came early today. Was invited by Nuffnang to join fellow bloggers to learn and feast on some Christmas snacks made using
Ayam brand products.
I was actually feeling pretty excited because I wanted to go down to
Food Playground for the longest time. And as what many bloggers have raved, it is really indeed a very casual kitchen for you to hone your culinary skills. The BF will probably be glad that I have finally re-learned the proper way to hold the knife (pretty much stopped cooking after I came back from overseas *gives sheepish look*)
I know my chef hat looks terrible. Sian, I have really no artistic talent in me.

I learned a total of 3 recipes from the great masters who taught us with great enthusiasm. And I can now flaunt them during any gathering or parties I host. The Christmas Barley Salad was particularly easy and considering I am a salad lover, I think I am probably going to prepare this dish quite often.
The Chilli Tuna Curry Puffs are a little tougher, will probably wait for the occasion to call for it to be presented HAHA. Mummy can't wait for me to start doing my Vietnamese spring rolls ;P
And to my team, thank you so much for helping with all the tedious preparation work. Honestly, I am so bad at cooking, I can only do all the easy tasks. Kinda of paiseh about it, even though I am silent about it. *Awkward Grins*
I will practice harder and the next time you see me in a cooking event, you know I am bringing home the big prize for you *Smiles*
This isn't magic, but with the same food, these are the dishes the other groups came out with. I can't stress the importance enough on food presentation. All my friends are always bemused and irritated by how long I can spend arranging my food. But seriously, it can either make it or break it. Sigh, you guys just don't get it do you? LOL!
At least now you do :P
Thank you really
Ayam Brand and Nuffnang and
Food Playground (my bf wants to thank you too), cos you guys have sparked a little flame for cooking (the fiery little passion growing each day)! I thought I liked cooking but I didn't know I love it so much Haha!
With all my stash of products, I think I will be experimenting cooking. Geez, hopefully this don't become a food blog soon.LOL!
Signing off with a lovely group photo :)
P.S: Probably heading down to
Food Playground soon with an army of coy people or BF :)