Monday, June 8, 2020

[Updated] Blessings for babies

If you know where to hang out or sibei gian, you can actually get quite a lot of free, used stuff for your baby. Some people may also give away new stuff but it is really very rare. You will be surprised that it is not the low-income people that picks up these cheap thrills. Some parents just don't believe in spending too much on their kids.

If you are low income, you just have to ask and a lot of mothers will be more than happy to prepare a bag of essentials for you. I think there is something about motherhood that make women more generous. For me, I am quite lucky. I made friends with a few mothers who are ahead of me in their pregnancy or plain shopaholics (quite like me), so they always save the brand new, best stuff for me :D

1. BN 0-4m shoes

Quite honestly, I definitely won't be buying such tiny shoes if it was not gifted. Doesn't look like the kid gets to wear it much. Thank you Mama K for this!

2. BN 1 YO Donald Duck Romper 

Mama S had extras, so now our little one is going to twin when they meet. Excited, hope my boy don't outgrow this before their meeting!

3. BN 2YO Mickey Mouse Jacket

Once again, the shopaholic in Mama K struck again, so she gifted me this. I have such pullover jackets too, I guess mousy boy is going to pair with his Mummy! [Update: I ended up buying $50 of baby merch from her clothes store, haha!]

4. BN Nursing Bras

Another Mama got her size wrong and decided to give away her nursing bras. Brand new with tag too. Coincidentally, I am also using the 9 Months Maternity series. Best of all, they were both perfect for me. Having said that, this is honestly a rare blessing so don't bank on this! Please buy your own, cos you can't choose what others bless!

5. BN Disposible Undies for confinement 

Actually, these are one of the common things being blessed. Just that nobody gives enough pieces to last the whole confinement period. Apparently, my pregnant body is considered petite. So a mum who couldn't fit into what she bought blessed it to me if I could fit it. And I guess I hit jackpot. Just in case you are wondering, postnatal, the mother is expected to bleed quite a bit so these come in handy. Plus if you come from a traditional family that expects you to wash your undies, you can't really touch water during confinement... :D These are not branded pieces, I did contemplating buying more branded OG ones but my mum was like yo...use and toss donid so good one. Even the unbranded one doesn't exactly come that cheap. But there are always kind mummies blessing it out!

6. BN Confinement Herbal Bath

The same goes for confinement products cos somehow no Mums actually finish doing a proper confinement as they are always too busy with their newborn. Even for your red date tea, there will be mothers trying to bless it off. But for me, I am quite particular about food even if it is still in their packaging.

7. BN Bibs

There was a mother that lived near my in-laws house. She gifted me this set of brand new beautiful bibs. Was looking for a hands-free spectra and coincidentally she was letting go of hers brand new at a very reasonable price too. Managed to save on transport because I could jog there (FYI, I am already post-partum, haha)

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