Sunday, December 13, 2020

Snowperk review

Skincare routine is really not for the lazy. Now that I have a baby at hand, anything that takes up too much time or effort has pretty much taken a huge step back. Time is really too much of a luxury and I would rather spend the time either sleeping or sleeping haha. Yes, I need my beauty rest darn badly. 

By now, you may have realised that I am slowly laxing in terms of my requirements of my skincare products and reintroducing chemicals on my face and body. The reason being, my skin is slowly losing its glorious pregnancy glow (boo!) and I really didn't want to look too tired most of the time. 

I was introduced to Snowperk by Try and ReviewSnowperk is a personalised skincare product. Each set comes with a base moisturiser and a booster that is based on your skin needs. I was recommended to use Booster No. 7, which is mainly for skin protection. The products aims to defend my skin against harsh elements such as environmental pollutants, and help my skin be more resistant to aggressions so that it will look more radiant and healthy. 

Personally, I don't use any product of similar function in my regime. Currently, I barely step out of the house and my poor skin condition is mainly due to lack of sleep and breastmilk that somehow always end up spilling on my pillow and clothes (no thanks, baby! Hmph! )

I have been using for 7 days and so far my sensitive skin shows no sign of further irritation. The product is very light and non-greasy. However, I don't really the fact that we have to mix the booster into the base moisturiser ourselves. To a new mummy, I prefer simplified products. 

Packaging wise, I appreciate the cover that squeezes out the moisturiser so that you don't need to have any contact with it. However, the cover could be removed so I am not sure if this would help the product to not be oxidised that quickly. The product is quite reasonably priced so I do see myself using it again since I don't have any product in my regime that does the same function. :D

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