Hurray, our little one has reached his 2 months milestone. I have to admit that our little cooing infant is growing a lot cuter than the weepy newborn. He is now able to express himself better and react to the surrounding. With his tears and angry grunts, we now better know his wants, desires and needs.
For his 2 month DIY shoot, I decided to dress him up in diaper. If you are wondering, how come our diaper is so cute and colourful. This is actually a cloth diaper from
Shears. Unlike disposable diapers, the designs of
cloth diapers are usually lot prettier and are a
good replacement for pants/ shorts. ( saving tip hehe).
Now that baby is a little older and has a firmer schedule, we decided to rock the boat a little. Initially, we have always been using disposable diapers because with breastfeeding, confinement etc. OMG, time is very precious. I really didn't have the time and mood for more laundry. By now, baby doesn't poop as much as when he was a newborn. So I thought, let's go a little greener.
Many mothers move into cloth diapering because of the long-term affordability. FYI, to get a full set of cloth diapers to start the journey will usually set you back by S$100++. Some babies also have very sensitive buttocks when using disposables and hence mummies of such babies would also opt for cloth diapers. For us, we really wanted to try cloth diapering because we felt baby was using way too much resources at such a young age. We really want to play our tiny part for sustainable living.
Generally, you would need at least 3 cloth diapers to start the journey. Before baby arrive, I was hesitant to invest in cloth diapers because I wasn't sure whether I would take the plunge. A fellow mummy gave me a brand new brandless purple cloth diaper to start off my journey. Now, let me tell you what other cloth diaper Mummies never share: The brand/ design matters!

At first glance, the design of my brandless cloth diaper seems to work like the
Shears cloth diapers. It even had velcro. But you know what, the brandless cloth diaper was so super difficult to wear. And the cloth material wasn't very good as well. It was so frustrating, I was so close to giving up. Fortunaely, I tried out the
Shears cloth diaper and regained some confidence in cloth diapering. The
quality was superub in comparison and it was so easy to slip in the padding. It was also
quite easy to use the buttons to adjust the waist size so that it is fitting for your child. FYI,
the cloth diaper can be used till baby is 24 months.
It also helps that the design was really adorable. In terms of laundry, we have a helper who help us to handwash everything. But when we move into our own home, I will be doing everything myself. The solution: Just rinse out the poop and throw this into the washing machine. It is really a balancing act, and for me time saved > money saved.
Here's an update, our little one is
Shears first ever little ambassador.
Shears is a local baby toy and gift set maker. If you are a parent, you are bound to have received their bay gift sets or see them in major retail stores. Moving forward, we will be featuring quite a bit of
Shears products because pssst...many of you may not know but they hold more than just clothes and toys! Also, their products are very affordable so we thought that more parents should know that
you don't have to break an arm or a leg just to give your child the best.
A collage of our little one growing up in
Shears! We received this set as a gift from a relative and I would like to give special mention to their top. Personally, as a first time mum, I initally hated letting baby wear anything that goes over his head cos a newborn seems so fragile. I now realise that
the trick is to find clothes with big head opening! Shears shirt is one of baby's favourite or maybe more accurately our favourite because the opening is big enough for us to slip his head through. Will be sharing more in future posts so save "
Shears Baby" tag to follow us through the journey! <3